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February 1, 2024

On This Day In 2017

The first of Trump’s many “terrible” Cabinet members takes office

It was among his most important hires

Trump loved to assure voters that he would hire only the “Best People.” But, as their relationships inevitably soured, Trump ended up bluntly criticizing most of them—individually and directly—for their lack of intelligence, their lack of honesty, or their ineptitude.  

Rest assured, we’ll bring you the details throughout this year. Today, though, is Rex Tillerson’s turn in the spotlight, because OTDI 2017 he was sworn in as secretary of state--arguably the most important Cabinet post. Tillerson, as the CEO of a fossil fuel company, had no previous government or political experience. He had, though, been honored by Vladimir Putin with Russia’s “Order of Friendship” in 2013.

While in office, Tillerson was excoriated not just for bad policy-making, but also for being a shockingly inept manager. He seemed to treat the State Dept as a one-man show, leaving dozens of vital positions unfilled and shredding morale among those who remained. By the end, he was sidelined by other Trumpers when they made key foreign policy decisions.

So, had Trump made a good staffing choice? Not according to Trump himself. Trump ended up slamming his own Cabinet secretary, later calling him “dumb as a rock” and “lazy as hell.”

So much for the “best people.”

Btw, Tillerson archly returned the favor, calling President Trump “a f…cking moron.”

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