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December 23, 2023

On This Day In 2020

America is hit with disastrous cyberattack. President Trump seemingly does…nothing

“The U.S. has suffered a massive cyberbreach. It's hard to overstate how bad it is,” is how The Guardian put it OTDI 2020. “The Russians have had access to a considerable number of important and sensitive networks for six to nine months,” added Thomas Bossert, Trump’s former Homeland Security Advisor.

It was widely reported that Moscow was behind the far-reaching “Solar Winds” attack. Foreign Policy weighed in with pointed commentary about “the massive cyberbreach that compromised U.S. government computer networks, including the Defense Department, State Department, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the National Security Agency. Can you imagine what Trump might have said had this happened on Obama’s watch?” 

So what did Trump do to punish Russia for their theft of American secrets and their assault on our national security? Virtually nothing, at least that we know about. Instead, he tried to pretend it could have been China’s fault.  

Why did our president defend Vladimir Putin so often?


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