March 8
On This Day In 2018
OTDI 2018, Trump announced plans for a first-ever summit between a U.S. president and the North Korean regime. Neither that summit, nor the subsequent ones, went well for the U.S.
One of the offensive things Trump did: He returned the salute of a North Korean general while the country’s murderous dictator, Kim Jong Un, looked on glowingly. Members of the American military, U.S. Senate, and human rights organizations were outraged by Trump’s choice.
(NK state propaganda: Gotta love that narration)
Always forgetful, maybe Trump didn't remember that in 2012 he shellacked Obama for giving a ceremonial bow to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, tweeting: “Do we still want a President who bows to Saudis and lets OPEC rip us off?”
Meanwhile, most importantly, Trump harms our military preparedness and alliance. Trump agreed to cancel a military exercise with one of our biggest allies, South Korea, at Kim Jong Un’s request. What substantial benefit did the United States get in exchange for giving up so much to the North Korean? Nobody knows. Probably nothing other than subjugation and humiliation.
Sources/Links for further reading
Check out NK's full propaganda video summarizing the summit. It's...interesting
Politico provided a good overview
Military Times commented on Trump’s kowtow
CSIS has more on the summit prep
On This Day In The Trump Administration: Trump salutes and legitimizes murderous dictator