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February 8, 2024

On This Day In 2018

Trump's hair breaks the internet

Jokes about Trump’s hair are nothing new

But ODTI 2018, New York magazine took it to another level with a video that asks: Does Trump have a future in hair commercials?

(Ordinarily, we base these daily OTDIs one of his four pillars: His Policies, His Lies, His Staffers, or His Impact. Not sure which applies here; let's go with His Lies).

More key moments in THH (Trump’s Hair History):

  • 2020: The wind reveals the spray tan:

  • 2016: Jimmy Fallon, on the Tonight Show, playfully messes up his hair. But what he really messed up was the interview itself. Fallon receives massive criticism for only lobbing Trump softball questions, thereby legitimizing him as a reasonable candidate for the nation’s highest office.

Btw: This is an old Trump shtick, to act bashful while somebody strokes his mane. He performed it at business conferences for years even before he became a politician. But, clever guy that he is, he milks it here like it's his first time.

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Trump's hair breaks the internet


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