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January 22, 2024

On This Day In 2017

The Birth of “Alternative Facts”

The invention of a new way to lie: Presidential advisor Kellyanne Conway went on Meet the Press OTDI 2017 and coined the term “Alternative Facts.” 

Her phrase quickly became a popular way to describe the Trump Administration’s relationship to the truth…or lack thereof.

Conway was defending the claim her colleague Press Secretary Sean Spicer had made—in his first-ever press briefing—that Trump had enjoyed the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.  Spicer, of course, had been ordered to spread that misstatement straight from the top, by President Trump.

The claims were so unbelievable that Conway had to create her own new Orwellian term to defend them: “Sean Spicer, our Press Secretary, gave Alternative Facts.”

The Birth of “Alternati



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