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January 29, 2024

On This Day In 2019

Intelligence community warns Trump is endangering the country


The President’s Daily Brief, or PDB, is one of the most top secret documents in the world, prepared for and delivered to POTUS each morning by directors of intelligence agencies such as the CIA.

Because of Trump’s famously short attention span and unwillingness to read, directors were reduced to drawing childish visual aids in the PDB, keeping presentations to two or three sentences, and repeating Trump’s name and title as often as possible.

But despite all that dumbing down, nothing sunk in. Trump typically refused to believe truths which contradicted his random personal prejudices.

All of this came to light after Trump’s petulant reaction to a Congressional hearing. OTDI 2019, during a special session on top security risks, the heads of agencies shared findings about North Korea, Russia, and Iran.

But some of that, such as the readiness of NK’s nuclear facilities, showed that Trump’s prior public statements were wrong.

So he responded oh-so-Presidentially: Trump called his own intelligence team “naïve,” and suggested they “go back to school.” 

In response, they began speaking to the press, sharing their concerns that Trump’s “willful ignorance” was endangering the country.

Who wants a president who's Willfully Ignorant?


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