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OTDI's Closing Argument: Everything About Donald J. Trump is a Con. E-ver-y-thing.

October 31: On This Day In 2018

If historians immortalize the Trump Administration with one single phrase of Donald's, it should be this:

Throughout this campaign, we've seen how Trump has regurgitated the words of Stalin and Mao. And of Hitler. These dictators, and Donald Trump, have long understood what George Orwell noted in "1984": "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." Trump took this lesson to heart. "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

Donald Trump has lied about EVERY conceivable material aspect of his life. Pre, during, and post-presidency.

  1. Every core virtue Donald Trump claimed about his life before becoming president was a lie. That's how he conned people into voting for him.

  1. So it's not surprising that, while president, Trump became the biggest recorded liar in the history of human civilization. Literally. That's how he conned people into supporting him.

  1. In his post-presidency, virtually every material accomplishment he brags about from the Trump Administration is a lie. That's how he conned people into maintaining their adoration.

  2. In this campaign, virtually every material bad thing he complains about Kamala Harris is a lie. That's how he expects to con his way to re-election next week.

Read on for the evidence.

  1. His pre-presidency life

These are his noble virtues his fans admire about him. They are all lies.

  • His Origins story

    • In The Art of the Deal, and elsewhere, he pretended that his family had come to the U.S. from Sweden.

  • His name

    • He mocks Democrats for having changed their names, but his father and family members before him did so too

    • As an adult, Donald frequently impersonated a fake PR person "John Barron" (among other names) in order to get his Donald Trump persona on the society pages of NY newspapers. (Later, he was so tickled by his trickery that he named his own son after his own fake name).

  • His tax filings throughout his youth

    • The Trump Family probably took hundreds of millions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers via what's commonly thought of as "tax fraud"

  • His academic record in high school

    • I certainly didn't get the impression I was sitting in front of a genius, said the admissions officer.

  • His SATs

  • His university he attended

    • No, his first college was not Penn

  • His academic success at university

  • Speaking of universities, how about the one he invented and pitched to his scammed victims?

    • He was punished and fined for his fraud

  • His financial start

    • The small $1 million he claims he got from his father to kickstart his career? It actually exceeded half a billion dollars.

  • His first business success

  • His competence

    • His dozens of business failures

  • His business successes thereafter

  • His investment expertise

    • If he had only taken his ill-gotten funds and put them in the stock market, instead of becoming a builder and an investor, he would have been richer by many billion dollars.

  • His success on "The Apprentice"

    • Although this was perhaps his greatest financial triumph, the whole thing was a carefully-crafted charade, engineered by seasoned TV producers to cover up his startling incompetence.

  • His home

    • It's much smaller and worth less than he brags about

  • His buildings

    • He lies about how many floors they have, and he even lies about how many floors the neighboring buildings have

  • All his other assets

    • He was found by a court to have overstated his assets by several billion dollars, and was fined over $350 million for having done so.

  • His net worth

  • His honor

    • What wealth he does have came, in some degree, by simply stiffing people to whom he owed money. And then cancelling his other debts via bankruptcy.

  • His charity

    • His "Trump Foundation" was determined by a court to be so riddled with fraud that it had to be forced to close.

  • The acumen of his children

  • His magnetic appeal to women

    • He admits to assaulting women, and was fined by a judge nearly $100 million for assaulting one via "rape."

  • His fidelity to his three wives

  • The normalcy of his relationship with Melania

    • This is far from a traditional, loving union

  • His health

  • His strength and vigor

  • His size

    • He lies about his height and his obesity. And probably more.

  • His introductory framing

    • In his 2016 campaign kickoff, he didn't lie only that "Mexico will pay for the wall." He lied about nearly everything else too. He even paid for a visual mirage which made it appear he had actual supporters.

  • His "America First" slogan

    • During his presidency, he made it clear that under his reign it's actually "Trump First, America Second. Or Maybe America Third after Putin"

  • His open mouth

  1. His presidency

Trump ramped up his con job during those four years

  • January 20, 2017: He started on Day One lying about crowd sizes and, immediately, presenting the White House version of "Alternative Facts."

  • January 20, 2021: On his last day in office, Trump went out in a blaze of lies. As the AP put it, “In his final remarks as president, Donald Trump tried to take credit for accomplishments of his predecessor and even those to come under President Joe Biden. Falsehoods suffused his farewell remarks…”

  • In between those two days, Trump told 30,573 false or misleading claims. That's an average of 21 lies per day, every day, even on weekends. Even including days he didn't speak to the public at all.

  • This brings us to today's OTDI. Today wraps up October 2024. OTDI 2018, Trump wrapped up an epic month of lying. That month, he told 1,205 false or misleading statements. Let’s repeat that: The President of the United States lied 1,205 times in just one month. An average of 39 times every day. Dear Reader: Imagine how hard it would be for you to invent that many lies yourself. But our Dear Leader handled that task with practiced aplomb.

Please go back to 2015 when Trump first started running. Imagine we were told that a candidate would lie to us 39 times one day. And then do that again…for each of the next 30 days. Would we have believed any of their campaign promises? Would we have voted for them? And later, when they took credit for good things they did while in office, could we have believed those either?

"So," his supporters argue, "Trump lies. We get it. He even told us that he likes to lie in the 'Art of the Deal.' But he did so many good things for us, and Kamala is a Commie."

The natural pushback should be: "In July 2018, 76% of his claims at a campaign rally were 'false, mostly false, or lacking evidence.' SEVENTY-SIX PERCENT.

"So, how can you be so sure he did good things? You know you cannot trust anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth. So that means you cannot believe him when he says his policies were successful. You cannot believe him when he takes credit for a policy which was well-regarded. You think you can sift out the truth from his mountain of lies? Why should a president even put you in a position where you're forced to try doing so?"

Well, we've sifted out some of the key lies for them.

  1. His post-presidency

    The con man has perfected the Art of the Lie

Every material thing he claims was good about the Trump Administration was a lie. Here are just a few of the more consequential examples of his favorite boasts.

  • He says his economy was the best.

    • By some measures, his economy was actually the worst since Hoover's depression

    • His trade wars cost trillions of dollars

    • When he left office, the national debt was $43 trillion higher than where he said it would be. Let's repeat that: He was off by $43,000,000,000,000

  • He claims his tax cuts were the largest in history

    • They were far from that.

    • Most of the benefits of the tax cuts went to the highest-income earners and to corporations. The impact on the average American household was fairly modest, if there was one at all.

  • He claims he built his pet Wall and that Mexico paid for it

    • The border is 1,926 miles long. He built just 52 miles of new primary "wall system." Costs were exponentially higher than promised. And Mexico paid not a penny. But you, the American taxpayer, did.

  • He claims he commands respect on the world stage

  • He claims he held Iran in check

    • Since Trump came on the scene and withdrew from our nuclear agreement, Iran has run wild. They have dramatically expanded their nuclear development program so that they're now capable of building a bomb in a short timeframe. They have directly attacked U.S. troops. They have directly attacked our ally Israel with hundreds of missiles; and they have supported attacks by their proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and others. Iran is the world's most destabilizing force these days, and it's the fault of Donald Trump.

  • He claims to have triumphed over Covid

    • We agree Operation Warp Speed was a good thing. But, we believe anybody in his position would have done the same thing. And by most measures, the U.S. had the worst response and worst outcomes from Covid of any peer nation.

    • We also had the longest lingering "tail" of Covid deaths, in large part because so many Republicans believed he wanted them to avoid mask and vaccines. Fortunately, only very few actually drank bleach.

  • He claimed on his Abraham Accords would help align our ally Israel with more of the Arab world

    • While it’s good to have alliances, and trade benefited, most of those new allies have not been particularly eager to help Israel fend off the Iranian-backed terrorists who have been attacking them for a year.

  • He claims the election was stolen and the next one is imperiled

    • His own Attorney General has denied that notion. And nobody has turned up any evidence of systemic cheating. Nobody. None. Unless you count This. Or This.

    • He tends to lie even more around election times. Before the 2018 midterms, one of his campaign speeches included 60 lies.

  • He claims he gave up a life of leisure and wealth in order to serve our nation as president, both in 2016 and in 2024

  • He claims to be a "Very stable genius"

    • Actually, he's the exact opposite. Some have reported that he can barely read. His staff ran out of ways to describe how stupid he is; we'll agree on "f*cking moron." And even his own family says he's "unstable."

    • Many of his top advisors are not supporting his re-election. Rather, many are calling him a dangerous, fascist threat to the United States.

  • He claims to be a healer. He says Jan 6, and his MSG rally were days "of love."

    • Actually, he continually seemed to extol the virtues of violence. It seems not-coincidental that the levels of hate crimes soared on his watch, and the overall level of discourse fell. America has lost connective tissue under Trump. It's no longer that "we're all in this together," now it's Me vs. You. And by seeking to singlehandedly override constitutional laws, by forcing his staffers to ignore Congressional subpoenas, and by aligning with the GOP in their efforts to steal the Supreme Court, Trump severs the bond citizens feel -- or should feel -- with their government. And with each other.

  • He claims to have saved Obamacare: Wrong, he tried to end it. He claims to be the father of IVF: Wrong, he literally didn't even know what "IVF" is until a month ago. He claimed that by getting Roe v Wade reversed he was doing what "everyone" wanted: So very very very wrong.

  • Etc. You get the point.

  1. Now, his complaints about Harris are mostly lies

Again too many to list. But here are some of his more salient false smears

  • She's weak regarding the Southern Border.

    • The Biden/Harris border policy has brought crossings down to below where they were during the Trump years. They've been far more effective than they're getting credit for. And that's despite an out-of-work Donald Trump personally forcing Congressional GOPers to nix a bipartisan plan.

  • Biden/Harris caused the inflation spike of 2021-2023

    • The inflation spike was felt across the globe. It was indeed brought on in part by government stimulus, but that stimulus went to the pockets of American households to help them through Covid.

    • Inflation has returned back to normal, although, perhaps due to Trump's constant lying on the topic, many Americans don't believe that it has. And this recovery happened faster and better than in all other comparable countries. The Biden/Harris American economy is now the envy of the world.

    • Yes, overall, prices have gone up since Biden/Harris took office. But, overall, wages have gone up even more since 2019.

  • She's a communist whose economic policies going forward would be disastrous

  • She and Biden caused the disastrous exit from Afghanistan.

    • Could they have executed that week better? Yes. But it was Donald Trump who capitulated to the Taliban and caused us to withdraw our troops.

    • Trump also, btw, fled from Syria, on no notice, thereby giving up on our foreign policy goals and capitulating to Putin, Turkey, and Assad.

  • Harris will not keep America safe

    • While president, Trump single-handedly was seen as a risk to national security. Because he is a stupid man, he leaked or gave away crucial American secrets on multiple occasions. And he overruled the FBI to give security clearance to those who hadn't passed screening. Even his own staff didn't trust him. This time, it seems he may not even bother having the FBI vet people before he starts giving them secret info.

  • She's a newly-Black, low-IQ individual who slept her way to the top.

    • Not going to dignify those with responses.

  • Her name is pronounced "ka-MAH-la"

    • Either he's too stupid to learn how to properly say the name of this country's vice president, or he's a vile racist who wants his audiences to be racist too. Those are the only two choices. Either alone should be disqualifying.

There has been a spate of findings this week that the "Russian disinformation network is taking aim at US presidential election." And also that "Election officials are outmatched by Elon Musk’s misinformation machine."

While the Trump campaign surely appreciates the outside assistance, there has never been a disinformation machine like the mouth of Donald J. Trump.


Obama recently told a revealing story. He said people tell him they're grateful to Trump for sending them a check during Covid. (The fraud behind those checks was discussed in this OTDI). "I want to make sure you understand this," thundered Obama. "Congress sent you a check. By the way, Joe Biden also sent you a check during the pandemic, just like I gave people relief during the Great Recession. The difference is that we didn’t put our names on it – because it wasn’t about feeding our egos or advancing our politics, it was about helping people. So don’t be giving him credit for that. And don’t give him your vote, either."

Don't be giving him credit for virtually anything good that he claims.

Who would have guessed that after Trump the con man spoke millions of words, among his truest were these:

Glance over these categories of lies. How many of these things are true about Joe Biden? About Barack Obama? About Mitt Romney? About John McCain? Very few, if any.

In those elections, our choice was between two grownups who, although their policies and methods differed, were sane and had the country's best interests at heart. That's true of only one candidate in 2024.

Trump has accused our war heroes of being "suckers and losers." Wait, maybe that's the "one single phrase of Donald's" which describes him best.

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On This Day In The Trump Administration: OTDI's Closing Argument: Everything about Trump is a con


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