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“This whole presidency is a four-year cash grab” - SNL

April 6: On This Day In 2018

“I’m going to read a prepared statement…to prove that I can read,” begins Alec Baldwin in another could-be-real Trump skit on Saturday Night Live, OTDI 2018

At the end of an actual press conference, the real-life Donald Trump once congratulated Vladimir Putin on a “victory.” Trump did that despite having a real-life note there reminding him not to; he just couldn’t help himself from sucking up.

So, Baldwin did too: “First up a big congratulations to Vladimir Putin,” he said. “Nobody’s ever been tougher on Russia than I am, including Hitler.”

When a reporter asked him “Are you worried that your tariffs are ruining our economy and your immigration policies have destroyed America’s standing in the world?” Trump (Baldwin) answered: “No, I’m not worried at all, because…I don’t care about America. Okay? This whole presidency is a four-year cash grab and… I do not care about any of you. Okay?...Basically, does that answer all of your questions?”

Check out the full press conference here:

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Summary: “This whole presidency is a four-year cash grab” - SNL


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