April 10: On This Day In 2019
Why does it matter when Trump brags that he can “grab 'em by the p***y?” It’s just locker room talk, right? Trump being Trump. But, no surprise…Trump’s ugly words lead to Trump’s ugly actions.
OTDI 2019, Trump’s Justice Department decided to change the definition of domestic violence, making it harder for women to prove they’ve been a victim of assault.
The Obama Administration had determined that “domestic violence” included injuries beyond just physical harm. But Trump nullified that…very quietly, hoping no woman would notice. His team updated the policy without explaining themselves…or even announcing they had redefined the term.
In the Trump Administration’s version of America, when a woman’s partner isolates her from her friends and family, denies her money to support herself, constantly berates her, and tracks her every move…hey, that’s not domestic violence anymore. Only felony or misdemeanor-level physical crime is now considered particularly malicious; psychological abuse doesn’t count.
Dive deeper
Slate’s reporting on the change
The old (original) version of the definition
Trump’s new definition
Summary: Trump Administration redefines “domestic violence.” Literally