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Trump blurts out classified secrets on Fox News

March 15

On This Day In 2017

Long before he shipped boxes of classified docs to Florida, Trump repeatedly revealed himself to be a personal walking national security risk.

OTDI 2017, he went on Fox News and dished out possible state secrets. He claimed that the CIA had “been hacked” and there were “a lot of things taken” during the Obama Administration.

Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, called it out. Whether true or not (the CIA never confirms or denies), Trump clearly violated his oath to “protect and defend” the United States.

Adam Schiff's tweet about Trump's leak

Two months later Trump outdid himself in the “loose lips” business, when he gave away extremely sensitive info to Putin’s envoys, right there in the Oval Office. More on that coming up on May 10th.

Why does Trump so often simply give away our closely-guarded national secrets to our enemies? Is he simply grasp the consequences of his own actions?

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Summary: Trump blurts out classified secrets on Fox News. He frequently gives away our nation's secrets


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