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Trump thinks he’s a Superhero. Too bad his policies aren't super

February 26

On This Day In 2018

Some people imagine what their superpower would be. Trump claims he actually is a superhero.

Tragic gun violence continues in this country, and here’s a problem: Trump repeatedly offered solutions to America’s gun control crisis which involve solutions other than…controlling guns.

In Feb 2018, a gunman using a semi-automatic rifle murdered 17 people and injured 17 more at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

In response, OTDI 2018, Donald Trump argued that he personally would have confronted the shooter. “I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon…” he claimed. His press secretary later had to walk that one back, saying Trump didn’t really mean it. 

But, as Vox notes, it’s hardly the first time he has bragged about his own gun-related bravery.

This, by the way, came from the brave man who equated being in Vietnam fighting the Communists with being in New York having sex with women. That’s the same war he avoided by seemingly lying about bone spurs.

And, of course, who among us hasn't sold our own line of superhero trading cards? Remember these?

Trump thinks he's a superhero. He stands here with lasers shooting from his eyes
In this pic which Trump sold, he gives himself a front wedgie

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Summary: Trump thinks he’s a Superhero. Too bad his policies aren't super.


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