February 10
On This Day In 2020
At a rally in New Hampshire, OTDI 2020, Donald Trump preached, “in theory,” once the weather warms up, “the virus” will “miraculously” go away come April.
It’s easy to say, with hindsight, that he was wrong. However, in fact, Trump knew at the time that he was lying to America.
Turns out Trump had been warned that Covid could become a catastrophe and the biggest national security crisis of his Administration. Yet this was just one of the many times he prophesized that it would simply go away.
Trump later admitted he deceived the American people about its dangers; this came during an interview with famed reporter Bob Woodward, who also chronicled Nixon’s Watergate misadventures.
NBC News has compiled several of Trump's bogus "it will go away" claims:
The tragic outcome: Trump failed to take significant proactive steps which could have reduced the severity of the pandemic. Over 100 million infections have been reported in the U.S., and over one million of our citizens have died from Covid.
Sources/Links for further reading
You can pick up your copy of Woodward’s book “Rage” on Amazon
KRON has the summary of Trump's claims
CNN has compiled a partial list of his many “Covid will disappear” forecasts
NBC reveals Trump knew
So does NPR
On This Day In The Trump Administration: Trump wishes Covid away, while knowing he's lying