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There's a puzzling trend which has taken on considerable urgency in Democratic circles over the past few weeks: Americans now have an increasingly rosy recollection of the Trump Administration. Call it what you want: Nostalgia, amnesia, sentimentality... Any way you look at it, it seems to be a growing problem, and it seems to be keeping Trump's poll #s high.


That's where OTDI comes in. Every single day we combat these views with just the facts. We remind. We educate. We make it clear that Trump did things no president would have even considered doing before. And that's not a compliment. His Administration was awful for our nation: His policies, his lies, his staffers, his impact. Each day's OTDI makes it clear that that guy has no business getting anywhere near the Resolute Desk again.


Multiple articles about Trump Amnesia or Trump Nostalgia
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